no unit promotion options

Issue #43 open
Hetwiel created an issue

Basicly, what i mean is that alot of units (especially on asia) give various options to choose from. Even though i like diversity as much as the next guy, this kind of diversity creates redundancy which in my opinion makes entire regions impopular or overcrowded. Think about Kamboja Cavalry and Keshiks, which are basicly the same unit, not to mention Kshytriya Cavalry. Because Kambojs happen to be in the same region as a decent ranking unit whereas the other two are kinda not, everyone goes with Kambojs. And the same applies to heavy fire lancers and marksmen which in turn are very similar to slightly better longbowmen who happen to be in the same region as a good ranking unit. Due to this noone uses chokoru's or heavy fire lancers or for the most part even marksmen.

In order to achieve diversity in regions they should offer different things, not similar things with slight variations. Removing longbows will make HFL more popular, removing kambos will make keshiks more popular. Etc.etc. It'll take some rebalancing and maybe even creating 1 or 2 more regions, but i believe entire regions are left blank coz a counterpart in a better region exists for roughly the same unit.

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