Premade stacks

Issue #45 wontfix
Hetwiel created an issue

Instead of countries being 10/10 1 minute into the game, and in some cases 2 stacks trying to get into the same country 1 second into the game, make stacks a predefinable feature on your buddy page or something like that.

I would love to create a buddypack for 4 of my friends with it's creator as the only guy able to join a country at tickstart where all 5 of us join at the same time. It would take some consideration of how many can get in and how flexible the system should be to go over or under the country cap and or allow more then 1 pack per country. But i would enjoy 20 5 people stacks alot more then 10 way to strong ones which 10 completely empty countries.

This idea is based on buddypacks in games like planetarion. They work with random/fixed galaxies (or countries) filled with players. The people that join a galaxy at random all get mixed together pre-tick start in so called random galaxies (or countries) with 12 players while the buddypacks all get mixed together pre-tick start in fixed galaxies (or countries) with 8 players. The only real obstacle, specific to TLK, is special region based units. There would have to an option to at least select a prefered region to ensure that you can do your favourite build. But that could lead to abuse if all stacks aka buddypacks (or randoms for that matter) select the same region.

Something to think about atleast

Comments (5)

  1. Robin Kleinhesselink

    Back in the day we had this where you would have a link and other could join that link (this was with random joining).

    Seeing as lately we got so many stacks i dont think these buddy packs are needed i think its more important to make the country count lower so that the starting stacks can just start. This would in my opinion also result in shorter ages. Because now allot of people have to wait to rank up or get their armies rolling.

    So i would have to say no.

  2. Hetwiel reporter

    Thank you for the update Yellow. A little less grumpyness and a little more discussion or explanation would have been nice. It is not about wanting to join a country. I would be perfectly fine to do so either way. It's about preventing empty countries and overpowered day2 stacks.

    Robin's solution has the same effect. I'll upvote that one then :p

  3. hans steenbergen

    bring max joiners back to 5 till all country's have atleast 4 in then increase it to 10 prevent the stacking.

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