End age button

Issue #46 wontfix
AlexanderJansen created an issue

Why not add a button to HC room where LD's of all remaining countries can choose 'end age' and if all LD's of all remaining countries have hit that button age ends in 12? 24? hours..

It would avoid senseless wheeling without any goal of killing an enemie because due to terrain camping, the enemie can't realisticly be killed..

Comments (2)

  1. Ilse

    I dont really agree with this idea,

    I'd rather as LVV suggested in a different issue, more (and perhaps different) timers. I think having a button where player can decide about when the age end is too, random kinda.

    Like if all people like eachother and are fine with it, they can all press "end age". When someone is in it who they don't like, they won't press "end age". (You can also expand this to preventing some countries getting first or for people to get in SF stats/PvP etcetera)

    Also, it will reduce the competition factor...

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