Free HT

Issue #47 resolved
El Salvatore created an issue

You get a free HT when you join a country randomly at age start. But I wonder, as duke or knight, can you safe up to 2/3 HT's then? Or is the free HT not an extra HT. How do we have to see this HT?

Comments (2)

  1. Yell0w

    Soldier: Will receive the HT and it will show in the hospitol as "You have 1 HT" just like normal.

    Knight: If the knight has 1 HT the moment he clicked random, he will have 2 HT. After spending one, it will not start generating a new one, you have to spend both before it tries to generate a new HT.

    Duke: If a duke has 0 HT it becomes 1 HT, 1 becomes 2 and 2 becomes 3! If you have 3 and spend 1, it will not generate a new HT until you spend another.

    In short: HT just gets added no matter the sitation. HT's only regenerate once you go BELOW your cap (Knight=1, Duke=2)

  2. Nuvelle

    Has been explained here and in the post. Will add it to the FAQ at some point too later on when the change has been settled in and accepted long term.

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