PVP win/lose points

Issue #49 wontfix
obnosis created an issue

simple suggestion: give points for pvp wins, subtract points for loses. reasoning: (i know some people will hate me :P ) looking at pvp rankings there are a lot of high ranked pvpers with too much loses. meaning they hit a target without a chance to win just for the points. that target is most of the times a higher rank. pvp is not only about hitting that "attack" button as fast as you can while bordering a main. it should take planning and preparation in choosing the right targets at the right time. possible cons: pure arty users. they mostly lose while inflicting great casualties. could be balanced with further suggestions.

Comments (4)

  1. Turbureanu George-Claudiu

    Obnosis I know you make refference to what I did this age in order to reach no#e in pvp ranking wich is 2 kamikaze runs with 2 wins and over 10 losses and made lime 300+ pvp points but this was special case when I had 50 millions gold and no way to spend it. But think about the armies wich usually lose first hit against full armies like bersekers catas Ghandaras ninjas those armies will get 0 points for each loss even if they kill lots? This is a bad idea

  2. obnosis reporter

    no. actually its not restricted to you. when i got this idea i was seeing someone having more points than me while having 2/3 loses. usually i take pride in having the fewest loses in pvp rankings even if that means im almost never top 5. but i still think that something is wrong about this calculations. your country does take points for your wins. you don`t. and enemy country does take points for your lose. you have no repercussions (except capture which is not a very bad thing since you burn your gold before pvping anyway)

    i also agree on the balancing part for the special armies that do a lot of damage but still lose. but the main point remains. at this moment the fastest clicker wins. not the brightest.

  3. Thom Merrilin

    I think this is a bad idea. The game only calculates a win or loss based on the number of standing.

    Is it a loss, if you get 40/44 units of yours injured, but you kill 5 of the enemies 46 units, but because of the # of standing, you therefore lose points?

    I really think up-rank pvp should be disabled, or a way to at least negate some of it.

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