Re-tooling XP ranks and wages

Issue #51 open
Thom Merrilin created an issue

A few of the promotion XP ranks feel like they should be re-worked.

1: LT to LT is 550xp for promotion, but LT to LT is only 500xp. 2: LT to Captain is 700xp, then jumps up for Captain to Captain to 1,400xp, and for Captain to Captain** only 1,500xp. 3: At Marshal rank is when most people gain full Tier 3 units. It takes only 5,000xp to rank up to Baron where the wage increase is 360. Then from Baron to Count it is 7,000xp and another 340 wage increase. Then from Count to Marq is 13,000xp but the wage increase is just 160. (the referenced wage #'s are based off of hard-capping wages for these ranks)

#3 causes quite a few hurdles for players, as usually when you first promote to Baron you will be undercapped because the XP range is too small (Increase to 27,000XP). Then going from Baron to Count, you basically have almost all of your wage, but at 32,000 XP most players are not hardcapped (increase to 36,000xp).

I suggest: Change Baron promotion to 27,000xp (up 2,000) Change Count promotion to 36,000xp (up 4,000) Change the hardcap wage increase when promoting to Baron to 4,950 (currently 5,060) Change the hardcap wage increase when promoting to Count to 5,250 (currently 5,400)

This would make the jump from Marshal to Baron +250 (currently +360) This would make the jump from Baron to Count +300 (currently +240) This would make the jump from Count to Marquess +310 (currently +100)

The changes would help in having players able to hard-cap when they promote to Baron and Count ranks (by adjusting the amount of increased wage and by raising the promotion XP required), and increasing the amount of wage when promoting to Marquess (leaving a larger gap).

Comments (8)

  1. Nuvelle
    • changed status to open

    I am still looking to overhaul every rank.

    Each promotion XP and wage amount will be closer together and more uniform.

    I am looking at a system that uses each rank 3 times - normal, one star, two star for EVERY rank (other than leader). Plus stretching ranks past what we already have.

  2. Thom Merrilin reporter

    Work in progress for increased number of ranks, and re-tooling of wages. (Note: this is for post-removal of soft/hard caps. Nuvelle can explain further)

  3. pyro

    o wow that would be cool but how would T3 units work then would the wage be increased? or introduce T4 units?

  4. Thom Merrilin reporter

    After Nuvelle removes the soft/hard cap would be the idea. Players would no longer then need to "figure out" how many units they would need, but instead purchase new units as wage becomes available. This would give players the ability to more freely choose their units and how many they want.

  5. The_Warlord

    about the subject trainer xp, soft/hard cap removal and extra commander ranks:

    I saw that nuvelle said that trainer xp was introduced to balance the game and that introducing 1 single cap is part of the solution to get rid of trainer xp. After reading this thread I came up with the following idea. Why should there be a cap? in rl there is none except for the money you need to have, but that's not related to rank.

    The cmdr xp and promotions is still linked to a better cmdr that does not ci easily and a bigger wage. To avoid massive armies, I believe you should be able to buy more stuff with gold then units, hero items, heals in the hospital and spy reports. Altough pezzies might be better in mains when people stock them without end. :p Those effects, behaviour, armor, weapons and/or mounts or some of them could be bought for gold for example. You could even add weird hats or matching outfits with your personal code of arms, color or name. But i think those will just make it complicated and even easier for new players to do/buy stuff that makes them very vulnerable against experienced players. Maybe something on the armor/clothes that identifies the country your in, but i don't think that's needed unless we will see them actual sf/pvp fight like nuvelle suggested will be done for the market/training.

    The garrizon strength could go up the more soldiers there are in game and i think spy reports will be very difficult with the numbers and differences. Some of those things that can be bought or other things from that same category could be a reward for some achievement you do in game. For example, when you kill another commander in pvp, you get a better weapon (more strength) for the unit that killed the commander or an effect that in your next pvp the other army is a little bit more afraid of you hence gets a disadventage at the cav round or something like that.

    Just writing down what came up, I hope you find it usefull :)

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