sorting the hospital

Issue #54 open
Thom Merrilin created an issue

[14:42:08] <Aphrodite_edd> Nuvelle: [14:42:23] <Aphrodite_edd> i want some kind of sorting option in the hospital

This would be nice indeed! Either sorting the hospital by unit XP or rank would be nice.

Comments (10)

  1. Robin Kleinhesselink
    • Could this include the Hospital bill calculator from ? I really think this is a missing thing in tlk ! Not only for the current people who would have to open up another tab/browser (Havnt tried it on phone yet but i assume its horrible). But also for the new players who do not know it exists. I also dont know if there are any rights to the calculator seeing as it should already be in the code just not showing for us !
  2. chrissieone chrissieone

    Please do this also for the Reference guide, sorting in general.

    For hero weapons for example, i'd like to sort based on levels :)

  3. Plato

    Yes, sorting units based on how many ticks they are injured or the amount of gold they will cost to FH. In case you're short on money and there is a main drop pending for example. Or for SFs.

  4. Former user Account Deleted

    or an option, from expensive to cheap from long time injured to short time injured

    so people can choose themselves/can change when ever they want.

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