New tournament system

Issue #56 wontfix
Nuvelle created an issue

The three heroes we use with our normal battles don't participate in tournaments anymore but we get an extra hero for tournaments only.

Tournaments should be divided into 3 sections where each need different set of skills to win it. Heroes will be given as follows to the players.

1- Normal user gets 1 hero for tournaments. Thus he can choose 1 setting for one of the 3 tournaments to enter.

2- Knight user will get 2 hero's so he can enter 2 tournaments.

3- Duke will get 3 heroes so he can join all 3 tournaments.

Tournaments will be divided into 3 sections, 1 based on mele skill for example one based on rgd and one based on mixed skills related to healing or leadership or a mix of both. Now you get basic skill points when you start and from every tournament you get more skill points based on how many battle per tournament you won. In addition to skill points you can dress your heroes from armory for example with basic cloth provided to all, those cloth will be related to skills so the higher your skill the more cloth you can put on. You can also get different cloth some good some bad some are awesome from the chest you may find during joining sfs.

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