Spreading out the units over the map

Issue #61 open
Xandra created an issue

Now we have region units, i think its a good idea to have have diferent units in the regions. the idea is to have a 'sort of viking stats' in different parts of the map not only in the north and celtic archers also in other parts of the map.

Or added some kind of country specific unit

this will give people more options to choose which would be nice

Comments (7)

  1. AlexanderJansen

    Being able to choose camels and elephants in Sweden and Vikings in Egypt would be kind of silly and unrealistic I think...

  2. Xandra reporter

    Well instead call then in Sweden polarbear-warriors or whatever. @Omar country terrain bonus is completey somethimng different, why should art armies only be possible in 'celtic' countries. this is about having differnt units in a the same region

  3. MstCookieKlein

    Regional units wouldn't be very special if everyone had access to similar units. It would diminish the incentive of joining some countries. Also art armies are possible in every country. This is why all countries have access to the same 5 basic units.

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