message sound not working

Issue #67 wontfix
Lone Wolf created an issue

The message sound does not work anymore . I do see the icon that firefox is playing asound when a message arrives, but nothing comes out of the speakers. Batlle sounds however DO work.

message sounds did work in age 208, but haven't heard them in age 209. (I'm not 100% sure message sound they worked whole of age 208, but think they did )

I'm using firefox 42.0 on archlinux.

Comments (3)

  1. Ilse

    It works fine for me. I just tried it while having TLK tab open and not open.

    Im running firefox 42.0 as well, but on windows 7.

  2. Lone Wolf reporter

    I have been listening closely,and do get a sound when receiving a message. It's however very short, low volume and easily missed.

    Nuvelle, yellow : could you make the sound file (used when receiving messages) available so i can verify it's indeed the same as what i hear ?

  3. Yell0w

    Sounds like a local issue, since we also didn't change anything regarding the sounds. Other people do not seem to share the issue. Let us know if the issue remains for a long period of time.

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