Evaluate HC

Issue #75 open
Hans created an issue

so i know tlk had this option in city centre to evaluate your HC/LD/WC job,

Poor, good, and so on..these results where then shown on the ranking page. why not re implement that AND as an extra like whenever ppl are happy with current rulers they tend to fight better and when they are unhappy they have less morale to fight!

so add an extra % modifier in SF/MvM that act as terrain bonusses?

Comments (11)

  1. obnosis

    as much as i would love a different bonus than terrain, that would only mean people would vote + just for the bonuses, no matter their views.

  2. pyro

    Lol well how bout instead of bonuses you could implement a % increase on XP earned from SFs. There was talk of mystery boxs being found from sfs if your country if in the "very good" then chance of finding better items also increases or the rate you find them? That or you could just have it affect points for a country if LD/hc/wc id very high then you could get a 3%bonus for points earned from sfs/drops and pvps.

  3. Yell0w
    • changed status to open

    We have different ideas we are planning to persue, however we are willing to listen to more ideas.

  4. Cujo TLK

    Have leader appoint HC but country men can approve or disapprove the there choice and once an HC member loses 50% approval he or she loses the tag. ?

  5. Omar Darwish

    I am aganist pyro's idea I think that rating should not effect people in country directly. People will vote for taking in effect on how it matters to them. A pvper who doesnt wanna rank while going for sf medal will vote for lower xp. etc.

    I am with Cujos idea but implementing it would be hard. LD could give him tag back ? If you dont like LD himself what happens ? then what happens when people come from other countries and try and do a coup using the rating ?

  6. nopox-

    @ Omar Darwish : The dislike part of the ld: If ppl dislike ld they can redraw their vote on him. So actually no difference. The coup part: If newcomers want to organize a coup, they can do that now aswell. by redrawing their standard vote for ld. If you want to prevent those things happening, they should not automatcly get HQ acces. Give all newcomers lvl2, simulair like in KNC. They can only get HQ acces when LD and/or HC promote them to lvl1.

  7. Bram (Fappy)

    Any positive reward will cause corruption, any megative consequence causes a possibility to abuse. The people chose LD, LD chose HC, LD is under control of the people, HC under LD. Its fine as it is. The real world has enough bureaucratics as it is.

  8. Ph3onix_Khan

    What if the rating goes under 50% everyone green rank or not gets to throw in a vote to either keep or vote toward a new leader. Definitely no positive or negative bonuses or rewards due to it getting abused.

  9. Maarten Hoving

    Can't we change the HQ thing? That the leader can't just choose the HC's, but that the leader got 30% or 40% share, and the rest will be voted by the people?

  10. Nuvelle

    I fear it then becomes a popularity contest, when often the best HCs are the unpopular ones - but they are good at their job and get it done.

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