Gameplay suggestion , extra strategy

Issue #76 open
Hans created an issue

i was reading some old post and found this, in my opinion one hell of an idea!! originally proposed for KnC but with no or barely any chances it is applicable for TLK.

Saving knc Suggestion 5- New Strategy

Postby kremlin » Sun Apr 26, 2009 10:16 am i thought of this suggestion about 5-6 ages ago, showed it to Vincent already he liked the idea but replied that he wouldn't have time to implement it very soon

after talking this over with a few people, i decided to post it here afterall to show that i do support changes and that i think about how to improve this game and not only give comment on how it shouldn't and bash on people

Since this game is related a bit to Risk, perhaps we could take a few idea’s from there again.

i l.ike risk alot so i have got me the latest version not long ago in that version, you need to complete several tasks in stead of 1

-what if as soon as LD is voted, the HC gets a "task" being: kill a certain country

-if they manage to do this, they get extra points on the country ranking (depending on the place of the country on the ranking list, on the moment the task has been handed out) for example if nr 1 has to kill nr 2, it get's less points then if nr 2 would have to kill nr 1)

-if a country manages to kill the country that had to kill them, they get half of the points the agressor would have gotten when they killed them

-if the country surrenders, o.r someone else kills the country, you get a new task and you get no points for the death of that country

-i think this would bring something new to the game for the following reasons:

  • every country will have 2 potential enemies always
  • countries can kill eachothers task-targets to prevent them from gaining alot of points
  • the experienced players will have to hit eachother earlier in the age
  • alot more politics will be involved because i doubt a non-stacked country will agress a stacked country by themselves, so they will team together with a few and do eachother favours(too many countries in a team wouldn't work because there is alot of chance that out of 4 counties, 1 will become target from the others) *it will decrease the influence of very big stacks because they will have alot more points then their possible target and as such will recieve less points for killing it
  • situations l.ike this age(with carribs) will be unlikely to happen because at least 1 country will have to hit carribs, and another country will have to finish off guatemala (sitting arround all age to pvp, will be impossible if someone is actively hunting you)
  • imagine country A has to kill country B, but country A is target from country C and D so country B,C and D might start a war on eachother about who's gonna kill country A and get the points... which gives country A the oppertunity to stay alive (might prevent some gangbanging further in the age)

i have a few suggestions aswell, about which i'm not sure yet what i would want :

  • as soon as a country has recieved his task, there could be immediate declaring, unless it already gets hit by 2/3 countries
  • i don't know wether the country, HC/LD only o.r all the knc commanders should know about the tasks of a country
  • countries at the top of the ranking: hard targets(distance,terrainbonus countries at the bottom of the ranking: easy targets(distance,terrainbonus) to code this point i think that for every country, all the other nations should be devided in 2 groups(hard/easy) so there is a random choice out of 1 of the 2 groups, depending the countries place on the ranking list example: Spain: all countries in europe – north africa and america are easy South africa and asia are hard (i don’t know how to solve the problem about how to include the ranking of the countries though)

  • as for the reward, there could be given some extra's(extra gold/day for the commanders, )

  • i'm in doubt aswell about the moment of the task giving: it could go on at a certain time of te day, for example 06.00 although if a country get's killed arround noon, it has no target for another 18 hours

it could also go on when the previous target is dead, but then i'm afraid that stacked nations will be able to finish quite a few more tasks then the non-stacked and they could with some luck, kill more then 1 target a day(if they rebuild very fast)

Comments (7)

  1. Yell0w
    • changed status to open

    We really like the idea of country wide quests and we are really considering it for version 2. We love to hear more ideas for different kind of quests. We also considerd it for version 1, but that would either be a very minor version of how it could be or take a lot of our development time that we prefer to put into version 2.

  2. Ph3onix_Khan

    I know Hans mentioned quest to kill certain countries, but what if also had some quest that was to save or preserve another country? Or like in risk, hold and maintain a certain area of the map by the end of the age for bonus points? Maybe have quest to win so many pvps in a certain amount of time? Just throwing some ideas around. +1 HANS :)

  3. Blue Pig

    Especially for this thread I created an account and voted for it, awesome idea! Kill Country, Hold certain areas/Capture certain areas within a timeframe, get XXX BP within timeframe, would seem all nice additional features :)

  4. Plato

    There could be small and relatively easy quests to be achieved every 6 hours. Like with the tournament, but maybe 3 hours apart, so there's always something to look forward to.

    How I would see this:

    Every 6 hours a timer would be set off for everyone to see with the country's objective in that time frame. For example:

    • Conquer 50 cities and receive a bonus 100 points for country ranking.
    • Win 20 pvp's and receive an extra 50k gold per player (non cumulative) WINNING a pvp in that time frame
    • Conquer more cities than you lose and receive 50 BPs. Status quo: you don't gain or lose anything.
    • Double the amount of cities you had at the start and receive 400 BPs

    You could also make negative quests where points get substracted when you don't achieve them in time. This would especially be detrimental for a fully European stack who's got absolutely no night shift at all. In order to not make them too decisive I reduced the amount of cities to capture.

    • SF 20 cities or lose 200 battle points
    • Lose more cities than you conquer and lose 50 BPs. Status quo: you don't gain or lose anything.

    These quests will be totally random. You might receive a negative quest during dayshift and easily pull it off or you might be unlucky and get it when your nation is asleep. Gives the night shift people something to look forward to and will give the terrain campers an incentive to SF and not sit idle. Of course the amount of BPs or gold can be changed, depending on how far the age has developed. Make it the same quest for every country, this way when for example the PvP bonus appears there will be more main collusions.

    There are obviously pro's and cons, just putting it out there as one of the possibilities.

    I also thought about a capture the flag quest, but I'd honestly have no idea how to implement this.

  5. Hans reporter

    i'd rather have multiple quests to choose from , like 3 options, and as LD/HC you get to choose one or none.

  6. The_Warlord

    Any plans for side quests like that archer minigame that gave you better commander ranged acc if you did well in version 2? Would be nice to have something like that with different scenario for your units too. Just put all under a button like the beach training scenario in the city center if that will still be around? A handy feature on those would be that they are linked to the country flag if those will still be there.

    SF flag up, nobody can play the minigames and get redirected to the castle and/or irc chat. PVP flag up, all get redirected to the border and/or get some pvp info and examples orso? (maybe hero mini games for testing pvp scenario's without rewards except a bit more leadership (or some effect or what was it called that was gonna be added in version 2?) No training flag up, gives commander, unit & hero mini games with different rewards/scenarios depending on your healty cmdr, unit or hero stats. Light training flag up, gives only commander & hero mini games. All training flag up, gives only commander mini games Force Heal flag up, redirect to hospital and/or armory with info to get leadership items and points and a pop-up orso that links to a guide? Rejoin Main flag up, Shows you a route to main by providing some games with different difficulites. For rewards in the games, lowest reward seeing the fastest route to main, and the highest reward could be some effect on your units that they get +2% heal orso in their next battle (seeing this flag is mostly up after a drop).

    Also activity/online times could be more visible, i have no clue who in my country is most active if i'm not very active myself, some temp medal shown in the players list of the country, only visible for the country orso? Or another thing that would be helpfull, split the day in 4 sections (each with a special icon orso) and then give each player the option to select 1 or more of those sections in his/hers profile. then you know that a player popping online, but staying in main is on during his "shift" or just taking a quick peek.

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