Send PM by pressing "Enter" on key board

Issue #78 resolved
Cujo TLK created an issue

I cant be the only one that hits enter to send every message then grabs the mouse to click the send button

Comments (7)

  1. Nuvelle

    I will look for input from others, however I will say that I would MUCH rather have Enter stay as newline rather than submit.

    Facebook used that feature and it was always annoying as hell to send a message half completed because I wanted a new line.

    I would much rather have a message sent with an extra line than it sent half completed!

  2. Cujo TLK reporter

    Facebook found a fix to the half messages sent problem with allowing people to choose between the two options.

    Just think for planners being able to send messages faster would be beneficial.

    IRC is sent with an "Enter" button so not a huge task to get used to the in game change.

    A tab enter fix is something that may work.

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