Non healing unit with healing

Issue #89 wontfix
Klakun created an issue

Estean App. Viking 3 0/300 95 16 -- -- 6% 54Gold

As much as I would love for my viks to be healers as well I don't think it's supposed to be that way. This is the only viking that's weird this way.

Comments (11)

  1. Klakun reporter

    Drultrer App. Viking 3 0/300 95 16 -- -- 6% 54Gold

    Haven't seen any heals from them yet. It isn't all my vikings that have the 6% heal.

  2. Nuvelle
    • changed status to open

    This has fixed itself without any input from me...

    Setting this as open so others can report if a similar thing is happening to them

  3. Nuvelle

    Ramses has reported buying horsies and they also have 6% healing, but this disappears after their first battle.

    This seems to be an error in the displaying of unit stats as none of the units actually have the healing in any fight.

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