Online/Offline Status

Issue #94 wontfix
MstCookieKlein created an issue

I'm curious as to how the system currently determines whether you are online or not, because I was pvped just over a minute after my last actions (checked armory and castle). 18:33 I was online, 18:35 I was pvped. I wouldn't complain about it except this is the second time I've been pvped while having been active. From everything that I've heard, it's supposed to be at least 5 minutes. The first time I was pvped was around 4 minutes of my last refresh. I just want to know what's going on here because I've never had this problem in the past.

Comments (1)

  1. Nuvelle

    Honnestly the online/offline system is like the black box of TLK.

    The code makes sense, but the actual behaviour doesnt match the code!

    We will be recoding the whole system in V2 so this will go away anyway.

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