Training XP for sfs

Issue #96 open
Kargool created an issue

TrainerXP should be increased for sfs so that when people join sfs dont get stuck behind due to low trainerxp. It would be an incentive for people to join sfs.

Comments (8)

  1. Plato

    Yes, it actually holds me back to join SFs as a PVPer. It is just impossible to hardcap at Baron unless you train your way there.

  2. obnosis

    trainer xp should stay for training only. this game is about making choices. "i choose to pvp with cav" or "i choose to rank with janis". or, like i do "i choose to rank with not-the-best-pvp-units-ever-but-they-can-rank-too". this issue is similar to the one asking about removing marq trainer cap so everybody could rank with champs then switch to whatever pvp unit. and to the point: a hero build for pvp/sfs is different from a hero build for pvp/border training. you're asking for the easy way out. you do not invest any ranking points whatsoever but gain the full benefit of trainer while you only join sfs. i completly disagree.

  3. Kargool reporter

    My problem with your statement obnosis is that with our current level of players we need more jack of all trades instead of specialised players.

  4. Ph3onix_Khan

    We aren't saying give the full benefit as if it was training, just a lil better than it is. Maybe it shouldn't change and just require a pvper to invest more points toward trainer

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