inconsistent after mhttpd restart

Issue #100 resolved
dd1 created an issue

if I restart mhttpd, I get inconsistent information on the status page: the equipment counters are incrementing, but the time-of-day at the top-right does not update. (not sure if alarms and messages are updating). ideally, status page (and other pages) should automatically recover from restart of mhttpd (which is undistinguishable from temporary network connection loss between browser and mhttpd). K.O.

Comments (8)

  1. Stefan Ritt

    I just tried myself and found it's working. Can you test again with the current develop branch?

    At a re-connect I actually reload the whole page, which should initialize everything. You should see the page flicker once because of that.

  2. dd1 reporter


    - status page ok (page reloads)
    - start page - bad - loses all editing (page reloads)
    - transition - bad - throws an alert
    - odb - bad - loses all editing (page reloads)
    - messages - ok
    - chat - bad - loses all editing (page reloads)
    - elog - ok ("new elog message" does not reload, no loss of editing)
    - alarms - ok
    - programs - ok
    - history main page - broken in a funny way
    - sequencer - ok
    - config - ok
    - help - ok


  3. dd1 reporter

    I do not know what to do about loss of editing on page reload. Let's think.

    The transition page I will fix.

    The history main page, take a look, it looks too funny to fix it. Maybe keep it like that for now.


  4. Stefan Ritt

    I tried the following: If an edit box is active at the moment of reconnect, then the page is not reloaded, just the error message is removed. Seems to work in my environment, but not sure if this covers all cases. Give it a try.

  5. Stefan Ritt

    I fixed now the history page. Actually the spinning wheel which is a gif image was loaded from <host>/HS/spinning-wheel.gif instead of <host>/spinning-wheel.gif, so it contained an invalid history panel since every gif under /HS/ is a history panel. See if all works, then close this issue.

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