All links on status pages (and a few other pages) are underlined

Issue #117 resolved
Stefan Ritt created an issue

My original idea was that all links on ALL midas pages look the same, which gives users a consistent look-and-feel. This is why I originally redefined ALL links. I agree that standard HTML elements should not be redefined, so I moved it into

.mcss a:link { text-decoration: none }

This removes the underline of links on all midas pages, which use the "mcss" class on their top level. If one wants to have a completely independent (custom) page, one can omit the "mcss" class and get the default HTML style back. I guess we all agree that underlined links in midas are something we do not want. Underlined links are used nowhere these days. Just look at Wikipedia and bitbucket. Links only become underlined once you hover over them, and I think we should follow this scheme because this is what people are used to today.

Now the modification

puts the text-decoration:none into class mlink, which means that EACH link on ANY midas page has explicitly use this class. This is lots of work, and if one forgets it on a new page, one has again an inconsistent style.

I ask therefore either to undo the modification from the commit above, or to add the "mlink" class to all midas pages.

Comments (5)

  1. dd1

    this is a topic for discussion. this bug reporting system is unusable for the purpose of discussion. let's do discussions by email. K.O.

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