cannot cut&paste from midas status page

Issue #140 resolved
dd1 created an issue

I cannot cut&paste some items from the midas status page. Specifically, the "Data dir" item cannot be selected - as soon as I select the text with my mouse, the selection is cleared and the paste buffer is empty. This is caused by the 1-per-second update of the status page - every one second it overwrites faields like "data dir" with new contents - clearing the text selection and the paste buffer. A fix for this would be to check the old contents of the html element and only update it if it is different. K.O.

Comments (4)

  1. Devin Connolly

    I can reproduce this behavior on Mac using Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. This is also true for other cells in the mtable such as the run start and stop times. Interestingly, on Chrome and Safari, when triple clicking on the value (rather than clicking and dragging to select), the selection remains persistent and I can copy the value using either (command + c) or by right clicking and selecting copy, or by clicking on the "Edit" menu and selecting copy. However, on Firefox, triple clicking does not result in a persistent selection of the cell text, but if I'm quick enough with (command + c), I can copy (and subsequently paste) the text.

  2. dd1 reporter

    replaced many "e.innerHTML = blah" with set_if_changed(), ditto for e.className = blah.

    now I can cut-and-paste the whole status page. (in google chrome and in firefox).

    closing ticket.


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