mhttpd memory leak

Issue #169 resolved
dd1 created an issue

There is definitely a memory leak in mhttpd. In agdaq at CERN, it has grown to 43 Gbytes. K.O.

Comments (4)

  1. dd1 reporter

    agdaq at CERN no longer see mhttpd growing to crazy size (midas branch mhttpd_memory_leak). trace output from the memory leak finder code does indicate a small slow memory leak somewhere. K.O.

  2. dd1 reporter

    Stefan found a leak of proto_data in mongoose: c->proto_data = MG_CALLOC(1, sizeof(struct mg_http_proto_data)); K.O.

  3. dd1 reporter

    in mhttpd, mongoose 6.4 was replaced by mongoose 6.16, everything is different, closing this bug. if there is a memory leak with mongoose 6.16, open another bug. K.O.

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