mhist broken

Issue #196 resolved
dd1 created an issue
today people complained to me that mhist is not working. They wanted to extract some history values from last month using the command:

[meg@megon01 ~]$ mhist -e "COBRA" -v "SC current monitor (A)" -s 190912.0000 -p 190912.0600 -t 3600

usage: mhist [-e Event Name] [-v Variable Name]
       [-i Index] index of variables which are arrays
       [-i Index1:Index2] index range of variables which are arrays (max 50)
       [-t Interval] minimum interval in sec. between two displayed records
       [-h Hours] display between some hours ago and now
       [-d Days] display between some days ago and now
       [-f File] specify history file explicitly
       [-s Start date] specify start date YYMMDD[.HHMM[SS]]
       [-p End date] specify end date YYMMDD[.HHMM[SS]]
       [-l] list available events and variables
       [-b] display time stamp in decimal format
[meg@megon01 ~]$
today people complained to me that mhist is not working. They wanted to extract some history values from last month using the command:

Comments (3)

  1. dd1 reporter

    midas-2019-06 I get this:

    agmini@daq16:~ mhist -e "COBRA" -v "SC current monitor (A)" -s 190912.0000 -p 190912.0600 -t 3600
    hs_read() cannot read event, status 707

    midas-2019-09 I get the “usage” dump as reported.


  2. dd1 reporter

    found and fixed error in processing of command line. fixed midas-2019-09-b, merged into develop. refuse blame for breaking code that has (had) a “goto”. K.O.

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