history plots selection page visited links are same colour as unvisited links

Issue #204 closed
dd1 created an issue

On the history plot selection page (where I arrive by pressing the “history” menu button), all links - visited and unvisited - are the same colour. All other midas pages and the old history plot selection page did not do this - visited links and unvisited links have different colours (use the browser defaults). This page should follow the same styling. K.O.

Comments (2)

  1. dd1 reporter

    I see better now. I should have my eye checked. They are different colours. But not different enough on my monitor (mac laptop). I will reset them to browser default color for links. K.O.

  2. Stefan Ritt

    Indeed there were two color schemes, one in midas.css and another one in mhttpd.css. Still pondering why we have two schemes, but at least I made the link colors the same now.

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