confused history plot zooming

Issue #205 closed
dd1 created an issue

The instructions for zooming in and out from the history plots are incomplete and need to be updated (button “(?)”).

It appears that to zoom-in I have two choices: (1) press Command and select the zoom region using the mouse in the axis part of the plot, (2) press Command, move the mouse pointer to the graph region of the plot and rotate the mouse wheel.

To unzoom, I only have one choice: move the mouse pointer to the graph area of the plot and rotate the mouse wheel.

This is not what the instructions tell me to do, they need to be updated to explain the above.

P.S. I like the old system better - where I had two buttons, one to zoom in and one to zoom out (old system: one mouse click, new system: use of keyboard plus imprecise rotation of mouse wheel).

P.S. If I overrotate the mouse wheel to zoom out too much, the plot becomes unresponsive (issue 203).


Comments (1)

  1. Stefan Ritt

    I changed the description of the online help. Hope it is clearer now. Putting "+" and "-" buttons on the icon bar gets too big, since we would need that for X and Y (4 buttons in total). The unresponsiveness (issue 203) should be better now. If it's still an issue, I can put a limit there, like after 7 days one scroll wheel move only extends by one more day or so. But I know people who want to see a whole year of history, even if it takes time.

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