"make cmake" has to be run twice

Issue #240 resolved
dd1 created an issue

Something changed in the cmake build.

Before, “make cmake” will build everything, a second “make cmake” will do nothing (reports everything “up-to-date”).

Now, “make cmake” builds everything (the best I can tell), a second “make cmake” builds almost (not everything, I am pretty sure) again. A third “make cmake” builds nothing (everything is “up-to-date”).

What happened?


Comments (2)

  1. Stefan Ritt

    If I do

    midas$ cd build
    midas/build$ make

    then the first make builds all (after a clean), and the second make does nothing.

    So the problem must come from the way make is called in the build directory by the toplevel Makefile. Looking at the Makefile, I see that both $(CMAKE) and $(MAKE) are called. $(CMAKE) should only be called once after creating the build directory. If the CMakeLists.txt change, the $(MAKE) will automatically detect this and run $(CMAKE) internally.

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