history display zoom buttons are "transparent"

Issue #248 resolved
Former user created an issue

the zoom buttons appear to be transparent - clicking on the buttons also clicks on the history graphs "behind" the buttons. K.O.

Comments (6)

  1. Stefan Ritt

    How do you see that you clicked on the history graph? Just clicking on a history graph should not do anything, right? The buttons appear transparent on the screen to see the data lines behind them if they obscure some.

  2. dd1

    this is not easy to replicate. this is what happens here. there is a plot with 16 graphs. I press the “zoom-in” and “zoom-out” buttons to look at a feature of the plot. all of a sudden instead of 16 variables, there is only 1 variable displayed. I think what happens is that I click the zoom-in, zoom-out buttons quickly enough that they may be seen as a double-click. On a plot with multiple variables, a double-click on a graph for one variable will select this variable (hide all other variables). Because the buttons seem to be “transparent”, click on the button is also “seen” by the graph and instead of a zoom-in/zoom-out I get a double-click on the graph. K.O.

  3. dd1

    cannot confirm the fix. with latest code, at the above link, the graphs are shifted up and no longer overlap the zoom in/out buttons.

    I guess the original problem is now fixed.

    In a way, until I run into a plot with negative spikes that could/would overlap the zoom buttons, but I am sure I do not have any history plots like that.



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