history plot "<<<" does not work if one of the variables says "no data available"

Issue #251 resolved
dd1 created an issue

history plot "<<<" does not work if one of the variables says "no data available".

if history files have no data for the current time selection, the plot legend says “last data: XXX” or “no data available” and the “<<“ and “<<<“ take the plot to those times. “<<“ works and takes me to the right time, but “<<<“ does not, takes me to time zero, the best I can tell. The difference between “<<“ and “<<<“ is that the first one takes me to the closest data, the second one takes me to where all variables have data.

It looks like the time computation for “<<<“ does to handle the special time value “0” for “no data available (ever)”.


Comments (4)

  1. dd1 reporter

    BWT, I get a hang of mhttpd when this happens, have to kill it and restart, then have to manually edit the URL to take me back to the status page (otherwise it tries to reload the history plot with the wrong time range around time “0”. This seems to cause the history system to try to load all existing data. K.O.

  2. dd1 reporter

    “last written” is also displayed incorrectly - relative to current time, not relative to the currently selected time scale. K.O.

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