history plot inconsistent zoom-out to zoom-in

Issue #287 new
dd1 created an issue

I look at a history plot (time scale, say 1 hour), zoom-out to (say, 1 day), them zoom-in back to 1 hour time scale to look at some feature, all of a sudden the plot is shifted from the time I am looking at (in the past) back the “present”. (I do not touch the pan function, I only push the zoom-out and zoom-in buttons).

I think what happens is on the zoom-out we correctly stay in the “gray triangle” mode, right side of plot is the “now”. But when I zoom in from here, right side of plot is not longer the “now”, and we should be switching to the “red triangle” mode (as if we panned here or did a time query, etc).


Comments (1)

  1. Stefan Ritt

    Well, zoom out and zoom in might work differently. Zoom out widens the window 2x, but without going into the future. So if you watch the last hour, zoom out will you show the last two hours, but NOT -1 hour and +1 hour, since this makes no sense to look 1 hour in the future. When you zoom in however, the CENTER of the window is kept and the window goes +-half the original with around this center. So pressing zoom-out several times followed by several zoom-ins will very likely not bring you back to the same spot.

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