jset/ODBSet using true/false for booleans

Issue #29 resolved
Thomas Lindner created an issue

MIDAS does not seem to be consistent (or at least convenient) with how it handles booleans in AJAX functions.

When you request an ODB value that is a boolean with AJAX call like


then you get

{ "Hidden/last_written" : 1437065425, "Hidden" : false }

This seems correct, since the JSON convention has booleans encoded as true/false.

But this convention does not work when trying to set the boolean value. For instance


does not set the variable to true. To make this work you need to use the characters y/n


I tested this with ajax/jset, but the same problem seems to occur when using the javascript function ODBSet. The documentation doesn't say what sort of encoding to use when using these functions, so I guess the idea is that these functions use MIDAS encoding for booleans. But it seems to me that it would be more convenient if jset/ODBSet allowed the option to use json/javascript encoding for boolean values; or at least had that as a format option for jset/ODBSet.

Comments (2)

  1. dd1

    the documentation is correct. the data encoding for jset is unknown. the plan is to implement a jpaste function that goes along with jcopy and uses JSON encoding. the current jset function cannot be changed without breaking compatibility with existing web pages. sorry. K.O.

  2. Stefan Ritt

    No it can. I changed actually db_sscanf() to accept "TRUE" or "true" as boolean true. This does not break existing web pages.

    I agree however that the handling of boolean variables is totally screwed up inside midas. Internally stored as zero and one, db_sprintf() gives back "y" and "n", while the JSON encoder says "true" and "false". It would certainly make sense to change db_sprintf() also to "true" and "false", but this would certainly break existing systems. (or should we just try and wait until people are yelling?)

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