Loading json to odb ignores path

Issue #312 closed
Niklaus Berger created an issue

When loading json to the odb, the json content is always put at the current location in the odb and the absolute path is ignored. Either using the absolute path or havin a flag for this would be helpful

Comments (7)

  1. dd1

    I there is no bug here. odbedit documentation is unambigious:

    load <file> - load database from .ODB file at current position


  2. dd1

    to me, loading at current position is the only action that makes sense. if you want to load somewhere else, “cd” there first, yes?

    loading to a position specified in the file is dangerous, you have to inspect the file first, otherwise you risk overwriting something important. (ever loaded the wrong odb save file into ODB “/” and had to clean it up?).


  3. dd1

    if this is a request for enhancement, what is your use case? what are you doing that the current code cannot do and we need to change something? (RFEs are best discussed on the midas forum, other midas users can have other ideas). K.O.

  4. dd1

    there is no bug here, everything works as documented (and as it worked from probably the beginning of time).

  5. dd1

    if this is a request for enhancement, where is the explanation how proposed change makes something better, by any definition of “better”

    if there is no enhancement, then this is a request to arbitrary change what an existing midas command has done for a long time. (rejected!)

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