alarm sound does not work

Issue #34 resolved
dd1 created an issue

alarms on the midas status page include this code to make an audible sound:

<embed src="alarm.mid" autostart="true" loop="false" hidden="true" height="0" width="0">

on current versions of google-chrome it produces a warning about missing plugin with an explanation link to a page that says all plugins have been disabled on Sept 1st 2015 with one exception of "flash plugin built-in into google chrome".

definitely no sound is produced now.

also note1: that it never worked on any linux - software for playing midi files is usually not available.

also note2: there is no IANA MIME code for MIDI contents. to me it is a hint that MIDI is not a recommended sound format for the web.

I think: a) we should use a sound file that is compatible with most browsers through the HTML5 <audio> tag. b) there should be a way to disable this function (without disabling the alarm system).


Comments (2)

  1. dd1 reporter

    recent commits replaced the mid file with an mp3 file, name of mp3 file is set from ODB. problem resolved. K.O.

  2. dd1 reporter

    recent commits replaced the mid file with an mp3 file, name of mp3 file is set from ODB. problem resolved. K.O.

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