Problem with ODBC-history event writting with mysql-connector-odbc-5.1.5

Issue #38 resolved
Thomas Lindner created an issue

MIDAS mlogger has the ability to write history files to SQL databases, using ODBC API

This system worked fine with the ODBC that shipped with Scientific Linux 5. But recently upgrading T2K-ND280 computers to SL6 we found that the default odbc no longer works with MIDAS mlogger; specifically it somehow truncates longer variable names. Specifically, we found that the program occurred when using mysql-connector-odbc-5.1.5r1144-7.

For short term we fixed T2K-ND280 computers by manually installing older odbc libraries. But underlying problem should be fixed.

Comments (2)

  1. dd1

    This was investigated - we found that the truncation happens in the ODBC library, nothing can be done in MIDAS to fix it. As solution, current version of MIDAS has code to directly interface with MySQL (ODBC layer not used) and it should not have this problem. This code is meant to be compatible with the old ODBC-based code (same database layout), but it was not tested extensively or used in production yet. K.O.

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