History export doesn't handle panel names with ()

Issue #56 closed
Thomas Lindner created an issue

We found that the history export dose not seem to handle history panels whose name included ().

Specifically, we find that there is a problem when trying to export data from a history panel called "Vacuum Pressure (low)". Now of our other history panels have this problem; export works fine.

When we try to export this problem panel, we get a truncated csv file, that just contains

Time Timestamp

We can reproduce this problem on Firefox and Chrome on Centos-7 and Firefox and Safari on macos 10.11.4

Comments (3)

  1. Stefan Ritt

    Can't reproduce the problem. I took the default experiment (starting from scratch), which comes with the trigger rate history. I made a new panel "Vacuum Pressure (low)" attached to the same trigger rate variables as the default one, and the history exported nicely. It must be something else, like no data in the selected period etc.

  2. Thomas Lindner reporter

    Hmm, you are right. The () don't seem to be the problem. But there is data there to export. I'll investigate more.

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