mhttpd "slow control" view missing normal page header

Issue #6 resolved
dd1 created an issue

The slow control view is what you see when you click on the equipment link on the midas status page (for some equipments it takes you to the odb editor of "Variables" instead of the slow control view). i.e. see here: K.O.

Comments (4)

  1. Stefan Ritt

    That's a feature. If you have variable arrays SCLD, SCLR, SCLS and /equipment/scaler/settings/names of the same length, mhttpd assumes you want a grid view: left column the channel name, and then the SCLK, SCLS, SCLR columns. Like for HV channels you have "demand", "measured" and "current". If that is missing and you have individual variables in the ODB like you have in /equipment/dvm/variables, then the variable name is shown. For your "slot 100" array, names are taken from /equipment/dvm/settins/names slot 100.

    The page header is of course missing. Bill probably forgot that. Should be a show_navigation_bar("SC"); after the right show_header().

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