loading odb json file corrupts odb

Issue #69 resolved
dd1 created an issue

while debugging the slow loading of json odb save files, a json file that is slow to load on macos, on linux took a very long time, spewed many odb errors and corrupted odb. K.O.

Comments (3)

  1. dd1 reporter

    corruption is caused by filling odb to 100% full. actual corruption happens in malloc_key() and malloc_data() there were not protected against 100% full odb. This is fixed in commits up to 0c17916, now there is no corruption, odbedit connects successfully, and one can save odb into an xml file and reload it into an enlarged odb. K.O.

  2. dd1 reporter

    After commit cb55971 there is no corruption and I can connect odbedit to the 100% full odb and save contents into a file. Case closed. K.O.

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