odbedit msg does not write to midas.log

Issue #82 resolved
dd1 created an issue

the odbedit msg command no longer writes to midas.log. if running interactively, cm_msg() "facility" is unconditionally set to "chat". The odbedit help says this:

msg [type] [name] <msg> - send message to midas log (from command line via -c "msg ...")

and it no longer works as advertised - messages are written to chat.log, not midas.log. K.O.

Comments (3)

  1. Stefan Ritt

    Indeed the "msg" command was kind of tailored towards chat messages, which is not obsolete, since we have a separate "chat" command. I reworked the command in odbedit, so now the syntax is

    msg <facility> <type> <name> <message>
    where <facility> can be "midas", "chat", ...
    and <type> must be "error", "info", "debug", "user", "log", "talk" or "call".

    If this works for you, please close the issue.

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