Please remove aaa_template.html

Issue #86 resolved
dd1 created an issue

resources/aaa_template.html has been made obsolete by the rework on the midas pages, instead of updating it, a completely different page was created named a_template.html. Please remove the now obsolete and useless aaa_template.html and update any and all documentation and midas forum references. K.O.

Comments (4)

  1. dd1 reporter

    I am peeved. I add something useful that did not exist before, you make it not work and tell me it is my task to remove it and update all documentation and forum messages. not fair. K.O.

  2. Stefan Ritt

    I just wanted to be polite. Usually, each of us fix or modify our own code. So since you wrote that file, I found it a bit embarrassing if I would remove YOUR file, so that's why I asked you to remove it.

    Documentation update is for Suzannah, not you.


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