mhttpd cannot be stopped on programs page

Issue #93 wontfix
Stefan Ritt created an issue

The "Stop mhttpd" button on the new programs page has no effect. It should either stop mhttpd (if one really wants that), or be hidden.

Comments (5)

  1. dd1

    cannot fix. cm_shutdown() would not let a program stop itself, so mhttpd cannot stop itself. on the "programs" I do not want to guess that the client named "mhttpd" should be handled differently from everything else. In the general case it may be the wrong mhttpd, in case there are several of them running on multiple ports. K.O.

  2. Stefan Ritt reporter

    Well, this complaint did not come from me, but from several users. They were puzzled by the fact that they were pressing a button and nothing happened. So what do you propose to avoid this user confusion?

  3. Thomas Lindner

    I modified programs.html to hide the 'stop mhttpd' button. Take a look, hopefully should work fine.

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