inconsistent display of alarms

Issue #97 resolved
dd1 created an issue

the status page shows inconsistent information: at the top of the page is a green "alarms: none", right below a red alarm is being displayed with the usual "resetme" button. Note: this is a high voltage alarm, it is activated by the hv control program when hv trips, and is reset when the hv is restored. The old status page did not display such stale alarms, when alarms are cleared in odb, they would vanish from the status page. Now it looks like the status page remembers all alarms and even alarms cleared long time ago do not automatically disappear. K.O.

Comments (2)

  1. Stefan Ritt

    Should be fixed now. RPC call get_alarm() was called originally without get_all, so existing and reset alarms were never removed.

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