Parse error in field BU_:

Issue #15 resolved
queue14 created an issue


I am trying to parse a dbc file with your example code. In line 21 (ifs >> network;) I get this error:

Parse error at 8.5-15: syntax error, unexpected VECTOR_XXX, expecting DBC_IDENTIFIER or EOL

Here is the beginning of my dbc file:


NS_ :


BU_: Vector__XXX

BO_ 267 Sout: 8 Vector__XXX

BO_ 257 Status1: 8 Vector__XXX
SG_ Status1String : 24|8@1+ (1,0) [0|255] "" Vector__XXX
SG_ Status1Init : 8|8@1+ (1,0) [0|255] "" Vector__XXX
SG_ Status1State : 0|8@1+ (1,0) [0|255] "" Vector__XXX

The first thing I noticed is, that I can’t find the string “VECTOR_XXX“ from the error message in my file. There are always two underscores between VECTOR and XXX, never one.

Your parser does not like the CAN-Node name “Vector__XXX”. If I change it to “Vector_XXX”, “Vector__XXXX” or “testnode“ the parser seems to work as intended without any problems.

Is this a problem with your parser or is the node name “Vector__XXX” not allowed in the dbc file format?

Unfortunately, I did not create the dbc file and can’t easily change the node name.


Comments (8)

  1. Tobias Lorenz repo owner

    Hello queue14,

    the reason is that the “BU_:” shows no nodes and Vector__XXX as the “null” entry isn’t expected here. This is something I can fix in the parser.



  2. Tobias Lorenz repo owner

    My understanding is that the node name “Vector__XXX” is not allowed in the DBC file format, as it’s a reserved keyword for “null” entries.

    So the only proper handling with the DBC you provided is for the parser to read an empty node (BU_) list. This is what Vector__XXX stands for here.

  3. queue14 reporter

    Thanks for the quick reply.

    For me it would be totally fine if the parser would just ignore the node entry Vector__XXX and return an empty node list in this case.

  4. queue14 reporter

    Yes, this seems to fix the issue, thanks!

    Would it be possible that you add a tag to the commit when you merge the fix into the master branch? My current build system mainly uses tags to determine the version of libraries to include.

  5. Tobias Lorenz repo owner

    Yes, I will release this as 2.0.6. So, I’ll update the branches master and v2.0. And will add a tag v2.0.6.

    The newer compiler version showed me some warning, which I will also fix in this release.

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