Trouble building Vector DBC on Cent OS 7

Issue #8 resolved
Matt Ellis created an issue

Hi Toby,

First, sorry for bothering you via your personal email - I didn't see the issues list here until today. And thanks for helping me past the first problem I had!

I'm still having trouble getting the build to pass. I get several warnings from bison with Parser.yy, and then an error in I've saved the cmake output and make output to a couple of files and uploaded them here.

Any ideas on how I can fix this? I'm very eager to try this library as I'm working on a project with multiple DBC files for CAN communication!

Thanks, Matt

Comments (13)

  1. Tobias Lorenz repo owner

    Hi Maik, I'm using gcc 8.2.0, which should be even more strict than gcc 7.3.0. But currently I don't have this issue here. I'll install CentOS in a docker and try with it. Bye Tobias

  2. Tobias Lorenz repo owner

    I checked the mailing lists of bison. It seems that the error "undefined macro b4_symbol" is generated for every "useless nonterminal" in the grammar. I have these nonterminals to document, what I know about them, without further using them in the grammar. I'll just remove them. Then it should work.

  3. Matt Ellis reporter

    Sounds good, please let me know if you have something you'd like me to try to builld on my system!


  4. Matt Ellis reporter

    That did it! I still get a couple of warnings but it builds. Here's a screenshot of the warningdrop-useless-nonterminal_CentOS_compile.png

  5. Matt Ellis reporter


    I'm also looking for something a little different from your Vector_DBC. I'd love to find a tool that can scan a DBC file and auto-generate C source code files to pack and unpack signals from CAN messages. This would avoid the tedious and error-prone process of hand-writing pack/unpack routines for all the signals and messages in the DBC. I'm working on a C-based embedded system with an RTOS and no file system, so I think the Vector_DBC library wouldn't work well for me in that environment. Are you aware of anything for auto generating CAN pack/unpack functions?

    Thanks for any insight you may have!


  6. Tobias Lorenz repo owner

    Hi Matt,

    the two warnings are in the source code generated by Bison. The first has something to do with the way how C++ is implemented. The second one, is default behavior. Good, but then I'll merge it into master and make a new release.

    Actually this is also one of my use cases to generate code based on database content. In my case it's conversion of Vector::CAPL to C++. The generated code is based on classes that just need to be parameterized based. The signal extraction code is embedded in the classes. I intend to publish this sooner or later.

    Bye Tobias

  7. Matt Ellis reporter

    Thanks for fixing my compilation issue so quickly and for your reply regarding auto-code generation. I'm surprised that there isn't a readily available DBC-> embedded C code generator, as that seems to be such a common need. Wish I had the time and knowledge to generate one myself!

    Regards, Matt

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