file load network fail

Issue #9 closed
yu gu created an issue


I write something like this:

Vector::DBC::Network VehNetwork;
Vector::DBC::File file;
if (file.load(VehNetwork, "./DBC_Files/CamCommunication.dbc") == Vector::DBC::Status::Ok) {

The Vector::DBC::Status is ok, but the network's version shows "error reading characters of string".


Then when I try to get the network.messages, error appears in xtree:

  std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Vector::DBC::Message> > >::_Lmost(...) return nullptr

BTW, I use the 1.0.6 version, build with cmake gui, vs 2017 win32.

Did I install it unsuccessful?

Hope reply, thank you.

Comments (9)

  1. Tobias Lorenz repo owner

    Hello, I assume there are some characters in the version that are unexpected to the lexer. Currently it is expected a "char_string" there, which is defined as a regex: "\"(\.|[^\"])*\"". Can you provide me the DBC file, you have issues with or at least the version field? Bye Tobias

  2. yu gu reporter

    actually, there are no characters in version:


    so I think the DBC file is fine, there may be some thing wrong during install. But both cmake and vs 2017 build success. I will try to build it with win 64 later.

  3. yu gu reporter

    Well, I try this code in the Vector_DBC.sln, it works. So the install is ok, and Vector_DBC works too.

    It must be something wrong with my other code, thank you and please close it.

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