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openvibe-gipsa-extensions / BrainInvadersSourceDepoloyment

Source Code Installation

Deploy OpenVibe source code and dependencies. It is advised to first read the OpenViBE build documentation. Source code is in C++.

Clone the code from out git repository.

To compile you will nee to copy the contents of:



to the source folder of OpenVibe:



Then start a new compilation of OpenVibe. New .bat files will be deployed in the main folder of OpenVibe that are used to start Brain Invaders. Project files can be generated with scripts\win32-generate-vc-proj.cmd

When getting the code from git on Windows you might experience a problem with long filenames:


(Filename too long)
Please have a look here. Basically you need to upgrade your git software and execute:

git config --global core.longpaths true
After that clone the code in a new empty folder.
