Cookies seem to lock up the browser

Issue #1 resolved
D. C. Stoyanov repo owner created an issue

Issue reported from

After installing this addon, Firefox 52 on Ubuntu would lock up with a script error. I'd have to stop the script to browse both the wiki and other pages. Uninstalling the plugin cleared things up immediately. Here's the error from the Firefox console:

16:34:06.383 Error: Script terminated by timeout at: get_cookie
1 js.php:1:126370

It might be something on my end, but I thought I'd let you know nonetheless.

Comments (9)

  1. D. C. Stoyanov reporter

    I got a similar problem yesterday evening (2017/03/11) and this morning I was able to upload a fixed version 59240c8. Now I'm using this plugin and I don't have any error more. If you have not already done, try to Uninstall and Install and clear the cache of the browser (shift + reload button one or two times).

  2. D. C. Stoyanov reporter

    Issue reported from

    Still no joy. I doublechecked the timestamps on the files, and tried installing it manually, as well. Same symptoms. Clearing cache made no difference. If it helps, I'm running nginx 1.6.2 and PHP 5.6.30-0+deb8u1, on an armhf platform. I did clear the cache. Should I try cleaning the cookies for the wiki, too?

    UPDATE: I tried removing all my wiki cookies and then reinstalling, which seemed to work for a bit…until I tried to access the admin panel, at which point the problem came right back. (I think it started then, and not when I made the sidebar code, at least.) The plugin must still be trying to write a malformed cookie or read a nonexistent one somewhere; I checked the console error and it was the same.

  3. D. C. Stoyanov reporter

    Thank you for the report. Let me investigate and I hope to be able to reproduce the error.

    Last try: in Firefox > Options > Privacy > remove individual cookies, search and remove the cookie called item_open. If this doesn't solve the problem, wait for a new release. Also try to visit and see if occurs any error using the menu.

    ADDED: From the error reported it seems to me that you are using Adora Dark template. I've tried to install it, to use different PHP versions (5.4, 5.6, 7.0) and to use other browsers (chromium) but I still can't reproduce your error. So, I would ask you, if possible, a) to switch to the default template, b) to disable all others plugins c) and then enable them one by one. Maybe there is some conflict.

    UPDATE: If you are still interested in, test the new release (2017/03/14) and let me know if the problem persists.

  4. D. C. Stoyanov reporter

    Issue reported from

    Sorry about the delay, I was out all day yesterday. I did switch from Adora Dark to the default template as part of my troubleshooting steps, so it's not inherent to the template; and, given that Adora Dark is a variant of the default, I'm not sure it would have that much code difference. In any case, I didn't get the error on your site. Maybe it was related to login cookies? That said, your new version seems to have solved the problem. Performance is a bit low, but I'm running the wiki on a SBC, and it was slow before installation, so I expect that's a problem on my end. By the way, thank you for the plugin! I had a lot of trouble properly configuring IndexMenu for prior wiki projects over the years, and your solution seems a lot more elegant and integrated into the DokuWiki platform. If I find any more issues or have any suggestions after working with it, I'll let you know!

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