Increase compatibility with most popular template

Issue #16 resolved
D. C. Stoyanov repo owner created an issue
  • Test compatibility with most popular template (at least first five) and report potential issues;
  • If possible, look for a way to render AcMenu's syntax independent from the template in use.

Comments (4)

  1. D. C. Stoyanov reporter

    template: bootstrap3


    1. the corresponding page, in the menu, is not highlighted
    2. the marks used for (un)fold namespaces are not intuitive (an arrow pointing rightwards or downwards are more comprehensible than a dot)

    template: codowik


    1. the accordion effect doesn't work
    2. the items (pages and sub-namespaces) are not indented
    3. the marks used for (un)fold namespaces are not intuitive (an arrow pointing rightwards or downwards are more comprehensible than a dot)
  2. D. C. Stoyanov reporter

    template: bootstrap3

    possible resolution

    1. It seems that a <span class="curid"> is missing around the <a href="" class="wikilink1" title="">current pg</a>. This also happens for the current namespace.
    2. Necessary to provide AcMenu with its own css style.

    template: codowik

    possible resolution

    1. in script.js, the line

      const _SELECTOR = ".dokuwiki div.acmenu ul.idx > li:not([class^='level']) >";

      has to be changed in:

      const _SELECTOR = "div.acmenu ul.idx > li:not([class^='level']) >";
    2. necessary to set the following rule:

      .codo_side_content ul {
          padding-left: 1.5em;

      but, this is much intrusive (for the template). Perhaps it is better to provide AcMenu with its own css style. 3. Necessary to provide AcMenu with its own css style.

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