"Error fetching versions" for some projects

Issue #11 resolved
Former user created an issue

See screenshot.

This happens every time the page loads on some (but not all) projects. It's impossible to list or create versions in these projects.

Seems like the plugin makes a request to some Heroku app which fails: https://version-manager-cloud.herokuapp.com/versions?projectId=10289&statuses=unreleased

Comments (11)

  1. Bram Account Deactivated

    This was created by me, unsure why Bitbucket refers to me as a “former user” there.

    This bug basically renders the plugin unusable.

  2. Roey Shamir


    Thanks for reaching out and sorry for the inconvenience.

    I did some digging into the logs and found that the API calls you mentioned are failing.

    The Error we are getting is from Atlassian says “The project is not found or the user does not have permission to view it.”
    And the affected projects are: 10285, 10364, 10369, 10298, 10302, 10370, 10289

    In addition, I can see that this error only affects your account for some reason.

    Can you please tell me more about those projects?
    How are they configured?
    What do you have in common?
    How are they different from the projects that the plugin works in?



  3. Bram Account Deactivated

    They are simply Jira Software projects, we have 150+ projects. Some work fine, others don’t work. Some were migrated from a Jira Server instance, some are newly created on Jira Cloud.

    The user who is viewing the project (me) certainly has permissions on the project (global administrator).

    There aren’t (m)any configuration options for this plugin as far as I can tell, so I doubt this is an issue on our end.

  4. Roey Shamir

    I’ve added more logs to better understand this issue.
    Let me circle back to you in a few days or so after I’ll analyze the findings.

    It would be helpful if you open the Version manager in one of the projects I’ve mentioned.

  5. Bram Account Deactivated

    I just triggered the error in project 10273 at around 21:56:55. That should help narrow things down.

  6. Roey Shamir

    Hi, the logs are pointing to the direction of Atlassian’s API.

    I’ve opened a ticket for them, telling them about the problem and asking them for assistance.

    Will keep you posted.

  7. Bram Account Deactivated

    That is a very interesting observation. It seems like the broken projects do not have permissions for the atlassian-addons-project-access project role. Could this be the cause of the problem? If yes, which permissions are required by the addon?

  8. Bram Account Deactivated

    I’ve granted Project Administration permissions to the atlassian-addons-project-access role, which seems to resolve the issue. I really wish Atlassian would fix their permission model so this would be more obvious.

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