Enhancement request: Issues do not need to be resolved before release

Issue #2 resolved
Former user created an issue

As a non-admin release manager using Version Manager for Jira Cloud, I would like the Release button to allow me to release Versions that do not have resolved issues in them so that I can resolve issues after release, in accordance with how my workflow is performed.

In our workflow, we have a Ready to Deploy status before issues are released. Because of this, issues in the release are not Resolved until after release. Jira accepts any "Done" status (green) as being complete for purposes of being able to release a Version.

Comments (2)

  1. Roey Shamir


    Version management for Jira allows non-admin users to release versions that do not have resolved issues from the “Versions” page (accessible from the project menu).

    The “Release button” in the scrum board is a “shortcut” for release managers to remove all items for the board by releasing a version.

    We would be happy to discuss this even further by email and understand your need better.
    Find my at roey@torosapps.com


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