Example Test Program

Issue #14 resolved
Brian Zhan created an issue

Hi, I was wondering if an example test program could be added soon, to better illustrate how to use this library?

Thank you in advance.

Comments (7)

  1. Patrick Beeson Account Deactivated

    Will get to this by next week. In the meantime if you pull the latest, there is a new constructor that allows y5ou to enter the base/tip link names (as strings) of the robot chain you want, and it sets up all the KDL stuff for you.

    TRAC_IK::TRAC_IK ik_solver(string base_link, string tip_link, string URDF_param="/robot_description", double timeout_in_secs=0.005, double error=1e-5, TRAC_IK::SolveType type=TRAC_IK::Speed);  
  2. Brian Zhan reporter

    Thanks a lot! Also, I was wondering how to make running catkin_make is supposed to work in the root directory (of the project)? When I try running catkin_make, it returns the error message: "the specified source space "/home/brian/trac_ik/src does not exist"". The src folder it is looking for is actually in trac_ik_lib.

    I was able to manually run the CMake files using other methods, but was hoping that directly running catkin_make might work too.

  3. Patrick Beeson Account Deactivated

    catkin_make assumes you have one or more packages in a src/ directory. So you would have PROJECT/src/trac_ik and then run catkin_make in PROJECT. Catkin puts all libraries and binaries in PROJECT/develop. I suggest reading the catkin documentation if you plan to use ROS.

  4. Patrick Beeson Account Deactivated

    In adding this constructor, I had a global search/replace that broke the MoveIt! kinematics plugin compile. This is now fixed.

  5. Patrick Beeson Account Deactivated

    Version 1.4.0 now includes an examples package with a program that shows how to use TRAC-IK stand alone and how to compare it with KDL for a chain.

  6. Brian Zhan reporter

    Thanks a lot! I figured that the end_effector_pose's x, y, and z values obtained, given the JointList. I was wondering how to compute the rotation angle of the end_effector_pose, using this code?

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