Throw error message when solve_type set incorrectly

Issue #19 resolved
Former user created an issue

This is a small thing but messed me up a little. In my kinematics.yaml I had set solve_type to "Manipulator1" instead of "Manipulation1" its a small typo that is my fault but I couldn't figure out why the behavior of the solver was acting like it does when solve_type is set to "Speed".

I suggest in trac_ik_kinematics_plugin.cpp at around line 507 where it has:

else solvetype = TRAC_IK::Speed;

change it to something that checks that solve_type was either set to Speed, or solve_type was not set to anything instead of defaulting to Speed if jibberish was entered. If jibberish is entered it should maybe throw an error or at least put out a warning message that says something like "jibberish is not a valid solve_type, setting solve_type to the default Speed".

Comments (2)

  1. Aaron O'Toole

    Hi, I just realized I wasn't signed in when I made the above issue. Is there a recommended way to communicate about Trac-IK? I have a quick question...I guess I could just post it here for the time being.

    I like the way the distance solve_type works, I'm using it for a teleop application. I'm wondering though if there is a way to put a limit on the acceptable sum of squared errors. I understand the Distance solve_type minimizes the SSE, but if the SSE is larger than some value, I'd rather the solver just say nothing acceptable is available to avoid sending large movements to the planner.

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