Orientation Solver without Position Input

Issue #20 closed
Former user created an issue

I am currently using TRAC-IK on a 3-DOF custom arm. I actually do not care about the end position of the end effecter as much as I care about its orientation. Is there any functionality in the library already that would enable me to just put in the orientation as an input instead of position and orientation? Right now, I am only able to get good results if I do both.

Comments (2)

  1. Patrick Beeson Account Deactivated

    Yes. The Twist tolerances variable (discussed HERE) takes in orientations tolerances as rot.x, rot.y, rot.z (roll, pitch, yaw) and position tolerances as vel.x, vel.y, vel.z (for position x,y,z). Tolerances are symmetric +- tolerance from the desired pose. So in your case, rot x,y,z would be 0 and vel x,y,z would be FLT_MAX or similar.

    This data structure was used for compatibility with the KDL IK, but I probably need to make another version of CartToJnt() that uses a vector or similar instead. Or maybe something that allows non-symmetric tolerances.

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