pr2_arm.launch file "Killed"

Issue #23 invalid
Andreas Eitel created an issue

Hi all,

is there a way to prevent the library to crash after calling test() in ik_test.cpp? It seem that the destructor for
TRAC_IK::TRAC_IK tracik_solver(chain_start, chain_end, urdf_param, timeout, eps); doesn't work as it should. I want to use trac_ik as a shared library. Best, Andreas

Comments (3)

  1. Patrick Beeson Account Deactivated

    TRAC-IK IS a library. There is a .so file generated in trac_ik_lib. What you are seeing with the line "killed" (which is what I assume you're issue is pertaining to) is that at the end of ik_tests.cpp (which is an example test program that links against the actual shared library), I forcibly kill the roslaunch with a bash-level 'killall' command.

    This 'kill' exists due to historical reasons, but doesn't need to be there for this particular test program to run. I've pushed a new version of the test program that takes this out. For those interested: The 'kill' was only there because I have test scripts that run many roslaunch files in series with different parameters, and sometimes ros doesn't die nicely on its own.

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